
What I’ve never understood is if the pickup trucks provide so much profit per unit, why even bother building those in the US? Have those built in Mexico, and rake in even more profit, as long as the fit and finish and overall quality stay high, of course.

Well, believe it.
We were, and we did.

There is something clearly wrong with his right rear corner.

Have you run into any instances where a customer tried to pull a scam on the third party warranty company?

When they first request the documents, just send them 5 emails, an hour or so apart, with the attachment each time. :)

You should create a monthly series:
“This month’s biggest pile of BS car commercials”
And just slaughter the bad advertising.

Call out the car company for trying to sell us on their mind numbing bs, and really, more importantly, put up the name of the Ad Agency that made this pile of crap so that we can shame them for

17k miles in just under a year, including a major cross country trip last summer.
Yup, my wife and I are enjoying it thoroughly.

That’s where sometimes, those long term out of state license plates just randomly fall off the car. I’ve seen it happen. It’s quite surprising.

I can’t do a perfect price comparison, because some options are different with the 718 vs my 981. The radio has less speakers, and a lower wattage, and I can’t tell if it comes with a USB port, which is something I had to option up on mine to get, and in this instance, I added Bose to the 718 to replicate it. Also, I

Sounds like the problem wasn’t the car, but more issues between yourself and your ex with regards to being responsible adults that can share financial obligations.

You do realize ALL of the cars are being built by Mazda, in the Mazda plant in Japan, right?

None of those people were going to test drive or buy either of these cars, to begin with, so it’s all just hot air.

Here’s a question to think about, for the non-power mad readers:

Man, I just played with the configurator, making a car as close in spec as the 2015 Base cayman I ordered and received last year.

My wife is the other person.

I’m still trying to figure out why you hate the Rotary engine so much.

Would be a lot less likely if people used their parking brakes.

Nope, 5:


What year is your mom’s Mazda 6?