
Damn! Yet another website I cant use at work on my outdated government computer...

Leaving the pit in a avacado half with prevent it from going bad.

I cant say for sure, but working in the nuclear field I can say I am 99% sure the reactors scrammed within seconds of the first quake.

I kind of thought it was known the damage was done by the quake and the tsunami knocked out the generators which were used to cool the overheating fuel. Is this really new news?

Eh, commenters like tehsquish make it impossible to read comments on an article like this. This is sad because there is often a lot of good information supplied by our commentors.

Just to add my 2 cents. The new format also does not work at all on my work computer... i blame old versions of software on a government computer but it would still be nice if the format at least worked. I read gizmodo on my lunch break not at home.

Te tor network is still small and i don't use it specifically because i think the bandwidth should be saved for where it is needed, china for instance. Our anonymity in the US means nothing compared to an anti government group in some country's. Maybe its just me...

i also heard you could use a spoon when you have soup

Sites down

How are these programs on system resources? It wont do me much good if my wallpaper is eating my RAM. Its like that really old program, Dremples. It made the background into a moving 3D texture. Cool, but it made everything else impossible.

Its not web based, but don't forget 1-800-GOOG411. An incredible free 411 service.

@Scott D. Feldstein: That is a great idea. I hate having to carry two cellphones around all the time.

My company strongly encourages (literally written in our company guidelines & suggestions), that we have lunch meetings. I am already working 55 hours a week - on a short week, so give me that half or so to relax a bit.



I also have to say Kismet should be on the list.

Just to throw my vote in....No. This seems more cluttered. Go back to your cleaner easier to read layout. Please ;-)

After updating this i went ahead and deleted all my other gmail extensions. Is it possible to include a gmail "notifier" type extension? I realize this extension is basically a greasemonkey round up but could you incorporate a notification part?

Love it, thanks! This add on really helps me keep the firefox bloat to a minimum.

so how about an option for this to click at regular intervals, not just one interval?