
Let’s pretend the new crop of F1 drivers are 20, because the math will be easier. 17 years ago when they started in karts, it was unheard of for a little girl to be out there. It’s still rare now! It’s going to take 10 or 15 years at least before there are enough girls actually making it through the ranks to get

Typically that is how the skids happen though. They correct, over correct, lift, traction happens, the back end wants to come in line but they already have lock in so the car rotates around too quickly to do anything about it.

I love the idea of C&C. I really do. I’ve gone to the Malibu one a couple times now that the greater LA area has broken up into regional meets. It’s a good time and the people are generally friendly and bring interesting, fun, and cool cars. Most of them drive completely civilly, too.

There was an asshat in a C7 Corvette at the opening day of Exotics@Redmond Town Center, the large, weekly Exotics meet here in the Seattle area.

The Vette driver did something similar as the Mustang. Luckily he didn’t hit anyone/anything. Here’s what E@RTC’s organizers put out:

“Regarding the immature self-absorbed guy

And in typical mustang bro fashion he checks to see if his car is alright before checking to see if the other driver was ok.

Until you have received them (in full) with the fear that comes from having your life suddenly threatened...I don’t know if anyone can dismiss the concern unless they have been there and felt it.

Doubly so for women who are, historically, the target of actual rapes and murders. Its an intrinsic deep rooted fear.


Sorry, but that dog won’t hunt.

Except for the friend who almost lost her job after being doxxed even though she was not either of the two women involved. The rape shit is problematic (because what the fuck?!) but somebody/bodies took things a tad further with their actions and that’s worrisome.

Hell, that’s what constitutes white kinghting these days? “Don’t send rape threats, that’s shitty.” Really?

“Real ___ Do/Don’t” Comments are fucking stupid. As much as they shouldn’t have gotten the threats, It’s decent people who don’t dothat, not “real men”

So, is there a HUD for speed or something? Go ahead and get rid of gauges, but we still need a speedo.

The same.

Am I blind or is that trailer severely lacking in Chris Harris?

The problem is, you don’t get to decide how I express myself.

Banksy doesn’t believe in property rights. But insists on legal protection for anonymity. Good artist(s), completely screwed up in the head.

The top three are a legitiments business trancation between the city and a company which brings in revenue for the city.

Because the bottom three were unsolicited by the people who own those walls? Just a shot in the dark here.

So I help out a charity that runs free advanced driver safety course for teens, we had an event in Pomona at the fair grounds this weekend. The first thing we talk about is any recent traffic deaths, every event we have something major in LA or Orange County to talk about. This weekend it was this. One of the parents