“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”
“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”
Literally everyone in that stadium owes their employment to engineering. Not sure what your angle is. Also, the city was an island of blue in the election so your HOT TAEK is cold and wrong 2x.
Pooping in the urinal = “the ole’ 2-in-1"
So the perp didn’t get that money money, yeah yeah?
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
I’m not sure what type of regulation the OP is referencing, but if it’s the regulation that involves building codes, then reducing that is not an option. You do that and every developer will start cutting corners and the houses will be deathtraps.
C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.
Some perspective on how historic this is:
How hard are you repressing the fact that Ian Desmond has gone on to become a great hitting CF for the Rangers?
Contestant: [watches video above]
Title NEIN
Baseball announcer by night, Frenchman losing his shit bidet.
It means you lost 9-3 to the Rams so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base
When asked what he’s going to do now that he’s got a 100 million dollar contract, Antetokounpo said he’d carry on the fine Greek tradition of spending all 300 million of it.
“Joey Votto metaphorically hit a home run straight into my dick and my dick exploded.”
Do you mean to say that Joey Votto donged a dong, a dong that’s now gone?
World War II veteran Burke Waldron tossed the first pitch for the Seattle Mariners for Monday’s Memorial Day game.…
Exactly. Jose was (gradually) winding up for a swing, so to claim that he was “caught off guard” is a Trumpian move.
“Not on my watch”
“Get a white girl, son. Trust me on this.”