Black Attack

You say "worst fans" and don't mention Eagles or Jets? For shame Purple Jesus

They can't stop your shine Swaggy P.. keep doin' you.

At least it wasn't a dick.

Battier would be proud of her flop


What the hell is Felice Navidad? Feliz! Yeezus..

I need a list of those who used Steroids so I can vote all of them yes.

So fans can't heckle coaches? How else will they know when they suck?

9:30am is too early to watch football. I'll still(presumably) be sober/hungover at that point

I feel like this is even more of a reason to bring him on.

Move your team to DC.. please?

Ball So Hard Foreign Studies Program should be mandatory teachings for the major of #Boutdatlife

At least she had the thought process to sit on the backpack. Naked on an aluminum bench.. that's too crazy.

Ok I will break this down simply because you seem to not understand me.

Byyy not being racist? How does one go about doing that? Must I go out of my way to make friends with everyone from everywhere to prove that I'm the most NOT racist guy ever?

Ok, so in my twisted little black guy mind I misinterpreted what you said. Lets take it a step back.

Consider that you might be is your first thought.. which is what you mentioned.

So because someone calls you racist, means that you should just accept it? Ok. That's hilarious

Its an exaggeration but its proves my point to an extent. I call you a racist. Prove you aren't.

Not that I disagree, but what does one do to disprove their racism? I mean once you're called racist, its damned difficult to prove you aren't short of having an affair with a black woman.