
My most played game was The Master Chief Collection. Le sigh. It makes sense though ‘cause I got every achievement in that abomination haha.

Fable III was an awful game in most ways and the DLC ‘Traitors Keep’ for it was an example of DLC that is better than the actual game.

I honestly don't remember. I want to say yes =p

So I'm the first cook at one of the finer restaurants in Victoria, BC. We're famous for our Sunday Brunch that we do and one time a few months ago it happened to be National Pi day (3.14)

The sites leading feminista hates a female character? Well I never.

Will there be an article soon about how unfair it is that Sonic wasn't inspired by a female?

Speaking of dead games. Anyone remember that cancelled Gamecube title 'Dead Phoenix'? It looked so promising yet it never saw the light of day.

If you turn the two W's to the left. They look like two 3's.

Uhg. First Wolfenstein then Watch Dogs a week later? Between X-Men, Godzilla, and those two games it's going to be a busy month.

Oh and they didn't mention it in the article, but they're adding two campaigns for each side. Both two hours long and also will be part of the paid DLC.

And now I am happy I'm waiting for Wolfenstein as my next title for the One. Nothing about Titanfall has interested me in the slightest and everyone else is just "WOWOAMG"

An interesting theory a co-worker of mine brought up was that perhaps Rust wasn't telling the truth about how is daughter died. Perhaps the sole reason he is so hell bent on figuring this case out is that his daughter was one of this 'Yellow Kings' many victims.

It seems absolutely insane that anyone would seriously consider that Rust did it. I mean just from a writing perspective it would be the biggest let down ever ever! A show this well written and pretty much done perfectly in every aspect simply could not just cop out to "It was him all along! Haha fooled you! Na na na

Hey look! Another great article totally related to gaming. Between this and articles about stalkers on Facebook I'm having a hard time keeping up with the top notch video game journalism going on, on this site.

Wait. No obligatory comment about something involving sexism at the end of your article, Pat? Strange. Even for you.

I logged into my account for the first time in several months just to comment on this, only to find myself asking 'How the fuck do I comment now?' Haha.

Well what do you know. Another shitty Hermandez article. Nothing to see here, folks.

Let's see. What are some old series' that they could bring back that people would actually play? Killer Instinct? Maybe. Battletoads? Perhaps. Banjo Kazooie? Very likely. Jet Force Gemini? Abso-fucking-lutley.

Well I know that they 'have' to charge for achievements. This all could have been avoided if they just didn't tie any achievements to the DLC.

Haha. Good call. Great movie and perfect summary.