
Hey look! Another great article totally related to gaming. Between this and articles about stalkers on Facebook I'm having a hard time keeping up with the top notch video game journalism going on, on this site.

Wait. No obligatory comment about something involving sexism at the end of your article, Pat? Strange. Even for you.

I logged into my account for the first time in several months just to comment on this, only to find myself asking 'How the fuck do I comment now?' Haha.

My eyes lit up when I read 'Tsimshian' as I have some Tsimshian blood flowing through me. The Tsimshian were an interesting band for sure. Particularly how their culture is matrilineal with a societal structure based on a clan system. If I recall there is four clans as of now. Eagle, Killer Whale, Wolf, and Raven.

Well what do you know. Another shitty Hermandez article. Nothing to see here, folks.

Let's see. What are some old series' that they could bring back that people would actually play? Killer Instinct? Maybe. Battletoads? Perhaps. Banjo Kazooie? Very likely. Jet Force Gemini? Abso-fucking-lutley.

Well I know that they 'have' to charge for achievements. This all could have been avoided if they just didn't tie any achievements to the DLC.

Haha. Good call. Great movie and perfect summary.

I hate to say it but I really hope this game suffers because of this. It's the only way devs will learn.

And then EA gets the license and well....the rest is history.

Makes sense. The worst part of this is that a lot of people will buy it so that they may get all the achievements. I'm an achievement hunter but even this is too far for me. Nuh uh, no sir.

The worst is that this mode is free to PC users. I just don't understand why this can't be available for free to the console fan base as well. I've come to terms with the bulk of on-disc DLC that you have to pay to unlock, but this is just absurd. I can't believe it's getting to the point where we now have to pay to

So no one finds it odd that a seven year old watches a show with gratuitous violence and lots and lots of sex? Perhaps I'm mistaken and she's just being told what to do for the video.

Oh cool! Another awful Patricia Hernandez article about games she has no business talking about. The fact that you keep bringing up Aliens is just insanity. You were the worst person to review that game.

Stop writing for this site, Patricia. You're awful at it and no one likes you.

That bottom photo for the upcoming Shop Contest anyone?

Just pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I knew the moment I read the title that Patricia wrote this article.

It's the online that everyone is about to pay for, but will only get two years from now.

As a photographer for the past several years, I am honestly both shocker and disappointed in the fact that the photographer could not be bothered to Photoshop his images, The images in Riku #3 was one thing, but the apparent dust in the lense of the photograph of picture #12 of buff Tidus was just appalling. So

I sincerely hope you don't really think it was one person that did this.