Off topic but I'm curious if the writer of this article used the word 'Zeitgeist' correctly, as the word roughly translates to 'time spirit' or 'spirit of time'.
Off topic but I'm curious if the writer of this article used the word 'Zeitgeist' correctly, as the word roughly translates to 'time spirit' or 'spirit of time'.
Ya. After reading that I required a change of pants.
You're most welcome. Let me know how that Heart attack treats you. I'll heart you if you survive it.
Only real men eat Bacon wrapped Bacon with Baconaise and a spread of MSG.....while having a heart attack.
Snacktacku is great and if you don't like it you can just gieeeeeeeeeeet out.
Don't forget to add a pound of melted Butter to the Baconaise though.
Real men eat Celery with Baconaise.
Hurr hurr hurr. You're so funny with your subtly asinine remarks. Thanks.
That's really cool and surprisingly detailed. I'm left wondering where the Error: 3003 or 37 are though. Are they reserved for the toes?
Might as well throw Pikmin in there to. Samus and Fox can band together to find the missing parts for their Spaceship and ultimately save the Pikmin. That or Olimar is the villain.
Hahahaha. Hearted. That's so true.
Capcom just wants everyone to hate them it seems. I couldn't see myself supporting Dragons Dogma now that I know what went on behind the scenes. It's pretty sad.
Hahaha. Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? Hahahaha.
Either of them could play my Harp any day.
If only that Overwatch Soldier just jumped up on those steps. He would have been safe. Great video though. Good for a smile.
The Nights Watch Guinness is by far the best. That beer is blessed by the new Gods and the Old.
'Mass Erect' was funny when Zero Punctuation used it in his review.......for Mass Effect 1.
I watched the whole thing and even rewatched some segments. It was a very well done and well thought out little documentary. Everything was supported and backed up and even things that were labeled as plausible or ruled out were still given some insight as to why they were.
Cry more. Kotaku has had very few articles relating to the ME3 ending in the past few weeks. And if you don't like it, then don't fucking click on it.
Thanks for sharing your incredibly insightful and well thought out opinion, you stupid bastard.