Hah, really? I saw only a few posts with some memebase stuff, too bad I overlooked that. Ah well.
Hah, really? I saw only a few posts with some memebase stuff, too bad I overlooked that. Ah well.
Ya, I went there.
Where do you think the Zebra learned it from? Bwahaha.
It's a sign. Don't make another shitty RE movie.
Bought it on Steam when The Orange Box was $7.50. So I own two copies now.
You forgot to mention he's most likely, and forever will be a virgin.
Tyrone Biggums would be impressed.
Just as good as the pilot, if it's appropriate to call the original a pilot. On a side note though, did anyone else not care for the whole VATS system in the game? Seeing it in this reminded me of how much I dislike it.
The statistic is a lie!
Speaking of the Art of Trolling....
If only they could release the game as a form of a patch. Considering the 360 version got very, very little support post release. I do hope Microsoft stops shooting themselves in the foot and opens up their network a little bit.
I also notice that Mike as since edited his article to include that it is PC only now. That's unfortunate for the 360 fanbase, and the devs lose out on a lot of dough.
Is it just me or did the music not fit the type of game MNC is at all? It sort of took away from the trailer..... a lot.
So basically I would be spending $30 to get cheaper DLC later on? No fucking thank you. If they did something along the lines of LA Noires pass, then I'd be more inclined to, but this is just ridiculous. Let's hope that enough fans piss and moan so that EPIC revises this pass and comes up with something that's not…
Haha. You're not being a buzz kill, it's good to know one way or another. Any word on Salvatori though? I only read the first few paragraphs of the article. It will be nice to let someone else take the reins. 'Cause hey, if that song in the video up above is any indication, then we are in for a treat.
I know he's with Bungie, but I figured he could of free lanced is talents or something. I have no idea if he has a contract or something with Bungie.
Where most people associate Halo with Master Chief, or its multiplayer. I associate Halo with just the most awe inspiring music. Main menu song for Halo: CE anybody?
Do you think there would be something that would prevent Marty making some sort of contribution to the audio for Halo 4? It wouldn't be the same if he had nothing to do with the game, after all he is basically what made Halo sound as good as it does.