ManBearPig: Super Cereal Chronicles.
ManBearPig: Super Cereal Chronicles.
Yes, I'm referencing the Onion video. But you'd feel so much better if you could call me a troll I bet.
In other news.
That comic isn't really funny.
Face fucking palm.
I can vouch for the whole "Playing stoned makes me better" idea. I've been a regular smoker for the past several years. I admit that at first, I was like one of those typical teenagers on LIVE, boasting about smoking weed and having a marijuana related gamer tag. I am sure glad I grew up and just kept it to myself.
I think I speak for all of us when I say how relieved and glad I am that the Copes are involved.
Whether it's s blatant copy or not, the game looks surprisingly well polished.
I think I'll wait till it's cheaper.
Ten points for having the Loch Ness Hamsters heart.
So if taking advantage of one of your biggest competitors in the gaming industry while their online service is down and out isn't in Microsofts DNA, I am curious to know what exactly is in Microsofts DNA.
I'm shocked that I hadn't heard about this disaster of a conference ever.
@Fata1moose: Thomas is great. I love my Canucks, but I know when another team clearly has a better goalie. Stamkos is great to, but I'd have preferred St. Louis or Lacalvlier.
Mordin has aged.
@ipottersmith: No one is forcing you to buy one. On top of that it's an option, not a necessity. Halo will still be Halo.
'Cause it's not like the masses would prefer an Episode Three teaser or something.
@dracosummoner: That, or an achievement will be named after it as an homage to that guys effort. It's also perfect 'cause it took him seven years, and that happens to be the number of Halo.