
Well if the Episodes really are 'Half-Life 3' like Newell announced way back when Episode One was released, then we should be hearing about Episode Three in the coming months.

Correct me if I am wrong, but why not release the game on a day where it won't be overshadowed by what appears to be Bethslops Swan Song?

Is that what the aliens in the first Prey looked like? It's been so long since I beat that game.

So the Portal story takes place in the 90's? Neat. It says 1998 at the bottom left of the colour scheme part.

You missed my point.

This reminds me of that gay guy who successfully got the song "Money for Nothing" pulled off all radio shows in Canada because of the word 'Fag' and some nobody in Newfoundland CHOSE to be offended by it. Offended by a word in a song that was likely older than he was.

I did this on Arrival on Insanity in hopes of getting all I could have out of it.

But the Templars are evil. Assassins Creed told me so.

Number five looks absolutely amazing. Day one buy.

I'd like a candle that drips beer instead of candle wax. That's manly.

Someone needs to report her.

Loved the first one, and I am very much looking forward to the sequel! I just hope the DLC for for the first goes down in price soon. I would like to play it again.

Am I the only one puzzled by picture 6?

Was that a Supernatural T-Rex I saw? Sold.

Leaving flowers and snacks? Why snacks?

Batman can do anything he wants to. Including punching through walls, and flying. Or gliding, take your pick.

It's abundantly clear that all this bad stuff happens at Squeenix this past decade is because those idiots cancelled that aamazing Chrono Trigger fan remake.

Touche sir.