
My issue with the money-grubbing is how important the gachapon-only cards are to your success. Farmable cards, even ones that require late-game evolution materials and a lot of exp to evolve, are almost always utterly useless in the face of Rare Egg Machine exclusives. There must be at least 500+ cards you can only

I’m pretty sure this would actually be a pretty good game for newcomers. You don’t have to deal with the insane grind or ridiculous gambling aspects. You don’t have to dig through 2 hours of playing a game so easy you could literally clear all that initial content with a blindfold on, because the game needed to be

I’ve been bashing the crap out of the game ever since I started playing it (and you better believe PaD deserves it - it’s a money-grubbing nasty pile of manipulative schemes that grabs you by the balls and forces you to gamble and grind daily for months and hundreds of hours to get any sort of “meat” out of the

To be fair, I think this article doesn’t have much of a point to it. The writer has definitely put a hundred+ into Puzzle and Dragons cumulatively over a long period of time, and this game shares its mechanics and RPG elements very closely. He’s almost certainly seen most everything there is to see (mechanics-wise)

Credit where credit’s due - this is exactly why I got interested in PaD in the first place and why I stuck around. It’s grindy as all hell and I hate it, but the puzzle and RPG mechanics make a complete mockery of the shittiness that is Puzzle Quest. The two aren’t on the same level in the slightest, mechanics-wise -

Did you ever log in via Google Play? Because it prompts you to login on the title screen, and if you do tie it to your Google account, you can easily log in on another device or uninstall/reinstall and get your account back.

Follow my example and just be done with the game. Maybe find something to call your “final goal”, reach that, and quit. I can hardly describe the feeling of freedom from when I fed off my +297 hypermax cards to Waron and Firon and turned my hundreds of godfest cards and 550-slot monster box into 5 cute little beefy,

This may be true, but in my case we’re talking “eh just literally play the game every day for 6 months. You might have a sort-of good leader by then unless your luck just never improves” which eventually evolved into “I’ve been playing every day for one and a half years, I got enough lucky rolls to have the best

I personally have no interest in the 3DS game, as my hypermaxed Athena team (which is now a set of +297 Waron - it feels amazing to be rid of this compulsion in my daily routine) tells me I would feel much the same as you.

Maybe the reason I don’t play fighting games is because an entire legitimate archetype for characters purposefully designed by the devs is staying far away, repeatedly firing off the same ranged attacks, and chipping away at the other person’s health until you win. Those kinds of players/characters are by far the

I think the scarier part is giving your address and information to a cult which justifies any physical harm they can bring upon you because your soul totally “signed a contract” beforehand.

That’s why you design the system instead of slapping some poorly-thought out band-aid solution to appease newbies. If your high-level tournament-grade strategy is to overly rely on one or two specials, you deserve to have them dealing less damage the more you spam them. If the system encourages you to mix things up as

What I don’t understand is, why don’t these fighting games implement some sort of ‘diminishing returns’ for special-spammers? If you use the same move too many times in a short period of time, make it deal less and less damage each use, or make it have longer wind-up or something. If you can win just by spamming one

Maybe I have a crazier thing I’ve done which I can’t remember right now, but I think the ‘craziest’ thing I’ve done is buy a Japanese 3DS just for Daigasso Band Bros P. NO REGRETS, of course.

If I’m remembering correctly, wasn’t the DS intended to be the “third wheel” of Nintendo between the Gamecube and GBA? Wasn’t it also spoken about in pre-launch material to not specifically be replacing the GBA? And that’s what it basically did.

I’m not really into competitive games, especially ranked stuff like MOBAs. Like, I can do some Mario Kart or Smash Bros, or something like Halo because it’s all in good fun for the most part. And there’s usually more to do than compete to see who wins and who gets the most points and such. I know Smite is a

Why is it that all the coolest characters I absolutely adore and want to play as are in MOBAs? And all the best animation and graphic styles are also in MOBAs! The characters with the most personality and diversity are all found in multiplayer-only competitive online games, and I just can’t stand it. I can’t help but

This is more or less the kind of thing you should get for pre-orders. This, or a cheaper price. You’re putting your faith into an unproven game, before reviews can come out and before you can get your hands on it to try it yourself. The reward for that should be something... but as we’ve seen with exclusive preorder

Really, it’s not hard to process the audio with a few clicks to eliminate most/all background noise and normalize loud and soft speech so it’s always audible but never too loud. After finding the right method and configuring it once, you can pretty much apply that same configuration the same way every time and get

Strange how quickly our expectations change. Honestly, though, I think this looks gorgeous, from both a technical standpoint and in the way that Mario Galaxy is gorgeous. That game may have been running on tech almost 2 generations out of date at this point, but it holds up visually as well as just about any game