
Oh, you said Adobe applications so I assumed you meant the Creative Suite. People these days use "app", "application" and "program" interchangably and it gets confusing. It would be nice if we all just agreed that app means not-a-desktop-program.

That's what I tend to do as well. I just prefer to have some leftovers so I can really stretch that meal out. :>

My desktop has a sub-10 second boot time with an SSD and W8. It's amazing, being used to the family computer from many a year ago taking 10-15 minutes to boot and be operable, this desktop is up and running with programs booted faster than my 3DS and PSP.

It's a whole show all about big meaty things and eating. This could hardly be more fitting, right?

I've been there several times and I can attest to the tastiness of the Big Judd. I could never manage more than a half of a single burger, but that's the nice thing about them - you eat half of it, take the other home and have another large meal to eat later. :>

That sounds like a more specific software problem, or some kind of crazy fluke. I've run into files that I can't delete for that reason equally as much on 7 as on 8 though it's usually fixed or ignored easily enough.

People don't want to install and learn an OS that's been changed, especially when it's the "other" Windows OS (you know the cycle people won't shut up about - every other iteration of Windows sucks so 8 was doomed no matter what it was) and it changes major features people have been using for a long time. It also has

Thanks~ It's been my favorite feature in W8 since the previews. I keep finding myself trying to do it in 7 too. :P

I'm not sure the money they got from crowdfunding took them as far as it was intended to but I'm still getting fairly regular email updates. I've already progressed far beyond what Code Hero could possibly teach me to do but I'm really hoping they keep pushing it forward, because what I played back during the

Try right clicking the Start button instead of using Windows+X. It's more intuitive if you're used to accessing those things with a mouse, IMO. As for tips, there are a lot of sites that have compiled "best new changes" or "cool features you didn't know about" in W8, and those were hugely important in my learning to

Um what kind of broken version of this OS are you using?

You have made a powerful mistake.

Power user here.

Why should they be rewarded for being good, by being made better?

Oh dang, I'm time traveling RIGHT NOW!

Realistic, no. But dude are you kidding me? A gritty blood-and-gore violence-fest story like Call of Duty done in a totally over-the-top fashion with cartoony nastiness all around (think Loadout but with more than just a multiplayer component) would be AWESOME.

Realism is the default setting in pretty much any 3D game engine, so I'm really questioning where you get that 90% figure from. Are you including all the un-noteworthy app store clone games that basement dwellers poop out in a few days to try to catch the coattails of more popular low budget app store clones?

I can never get over how colorful and awesome this game looks. The style really pops out, moreso than any game I've seen.

Your choice of terms here is a bit... questionable.

Yeah, they really need a way to handle the helmet and weapon being able to point in totally different directions. The problem with this is that you're not really going to feel like you're Samus because her head shouldn't be moving around a lot without her helmet also moving. To my knowledge, if she turns her head