Oh look. Someone is claiming a famous female popstar doesn't deserve an award because she has people who work for her. How original.
Yes! My applause gif reaction was an immediate response to this article, but after going to O'Halla's Tumblr and reading more on the matter, I completely agree with you. As a matter of fact, the quote you pulled from her Tumblr is one that I pulled in an email to a friend on the matter; I was deeply impressed with how…
I'm dating an Asian guy and one of his oldest, closest girlfriends took him aside at his birthday party that I was hosting (her 2nd time meeting me) and told him that I was clearly 'fetishizing' him. I think it was because I had made small talk with her about how I was learning to cook some Korean dishes? It was early…
Nice derail. Guess what? IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU
No shit. Welcome back to reality, everyone.
Really, though? The press reaction to Madonna's pit hair is insane. Why the fuck can't women have pit hair? Why is it 'gross' on a woman but not a man?
But according to most of these comments, that's not important. What's important is that we all discuss what an old try hard she is. Ok.
But is not the mind itself a product of a construct? Isn't that what the grasp of philosophy is all about?
OMG me too. That's enough anecdata for me. We are clearly repressing this shit.
I've always hated the sense that there is only one way to talk about music. Decades of male-centric rock criticism — the obsessive, cataloging, record-collecting, liner-notes driven, grading variety — reminds me that we could use more writing that approaches music innocently. Too often, we forget what records are for…
Cultural constructs. They are not metaphors, they are real. Monogamous marriage is a cultural construct just as polygamous marriage is a cultural construct.
The construct of marriage and sexual relationships are related to the construct of the family. Families in the western world are constructed patrilineally, though…
Yes, you do that. Keep on espousing opinions about things you don't know anything about, do not care to do research on, and flatly ignore opportunities for meaningful discourse! The Jezebel method, to a T. You really do belong here.
He's dead. Maybe you should read up on constructs before you throw the word around.
Michel Foucault begs to differ.
Everything is a construct.
She is better than you because of that.
Jezebel runs serious pieces about feminism? Are you lost?
NOW I think it's safe to say selfies have gone TOO FAR.
I am here for the banana in the holster.
That is all.
Reading comprehension skills are pretty important. I suggest you brush up on that.