
I literally felt sick @ "call out culture."
Is that what you guys call yourselves?

My new years rez was to stop hate reading jezebel.
THAT went well....

Jez — ya got TOLD

Have you ever been outside of the United States?

If I had her ass/line of work, I would be wearing a thong leotard every g-d day!

She's really singing about riding Jay's D. In the bathtub.

Do you like all your songs to be literal and void of wordplay?

Because no one wants to see his body

It's not surboard because, you see, she put a "t" where the "d" usually goes. Then she sang it that way.

Sounds like you scared
You should call that reverend

"we woke up in the morning saying 'how the hell did this shit happen,' oh baby"'re aware that they're married, yes??

You're probably tired of it because no one worships YOU for YOUR sexual prowess.
I'm no Beyonce but I've had a few worshippers in my time...

Seriously. I suspect intense jealousy is fueling their unnecessary hatred.

Wow, I can't believe someone on the internet is actually talking about what this lyric ACTUAL means rather than assume he is randomly asserting a lyric about domestic abuse into a love song with his wife...


Do you think/say that about everything in your life?

"Even though the dairy industry is problematic, I still love ice cream"

"Cottom farming is so problematic...but I still love this dress"

"OMFG True Blood is the best! ...even though Sookie's damsel in distress act is problematic"


Xenophobia is the problem.

Put me in the "really want to have kids but is economically unfeasible" category.

I mean, if you want to treat Katy Perry playing geisha as a serious micro-or macro- aggression in your life, go right ahead. Your rage, your life. When we started this conversation, you literally had no idea that Japanese girls even liked KPerry.
You're even more of a c*nt than I am, ugh