
So, explain to me: how is my statement about using the pull out method (perfectly) for two years NOT backed up by statistics?

It appears as though I am one of the 96th percentile.

Please. Go on.

Where did I say that my experiences were, in fact, data? I'll wait.

Uh, no. You are making shit up.
The withdrawal method is a fucking method. With STATS. When the method is used perfectly, 96% of women do not get pregnant. That's on the PP website.
I commented with an anecdote about women who used this method for years and then suddenly became pregnant when they no longer used this

Seriously, show me where I say, "My experience = facts for all" or even "facts are stupid and should be ignored"

Get over it /yourself.

...that's the same thing as "running in different crowds," you just restated it.
why do you have to bring in unnecessary name-calling?

I never asserted otherwise, and I currently have a paraguard. Thanks?

You should not have left 8th grade sex education feeling as though you learned all you needed to know. That's alarm bell number one.
There is actually no sperm in pre-cum. Only if the guy had recently ejaculated would there be trace amounts of sperm.

That is actually a false statement. There is no sperm in pre-cum, unless the guy has recently ejaculated prior.
Someone else pointed this out in the comments...

For your sake and for mine, I hope no one comes at you with a lecture on how your experience doesn't matter and that you're flagrantly ignoring data! Because your sex life is clearly a repudiation of all that is science and good! ;)

So you know what I SECRETLY think?

Oh, you're not a douchebag. Not at all.

once a year is not the same thing as every day for a year. try again.

Yes, I know what a metaphor is.
You made a shit metaphor.

Why are you reading so hard into what I said? Why the fuck does it BOTHER you that this reality exists for people outside of the data? That doesn't actually nullify my experience, or others.
When the pull out method is used PERFECTLY, 4 in 100 get pregnant. There's your data. Now, can you stop freaking out about the

I'm falling for nothing. I know the statistics. This is an anecdote, I am not a scientist, we're in the comments section on a website discussing this method, and these are the decisions I have made and others have made regarding our fertility and contraception. Take from it what you will.

Yes, because the odds of being shot in the head while playing Russian Roulette are the same as getting knocked up using the pull out method. For two years straight.

Two years of the pull out method with two highly fertile young people is meaningless? That's called "perfect use", honey. Eat your heart out.

They were not trying to get pregnant until their let their husbands come in their pussy.
At which point, they got pregnant.

All of the judgy comments about the pull out method are so unnecessary. Not everyone who uses the pull out method are uninformed teenagers. You're not more enlightened because you eat hormones every day.

Anecdata: if you're in a monogamous relationship and your man doesn't have a pre-ejaculation issue, you won't get