I bought it from the JDM dealer in Utah, and havent got it delivered yet - I'll be out of the country for a week so it'll be two weeks before I see it.
I bought it from the JDM dealer in Utah, and havent got it delivered yet - I'll be out of the country for a week so it'll be two weeks before I see it.
The unique view I gave this post wasn't out of optimism, but rather, trepidation. After reading the post, my reservations were confirmed. I will respectfully continue to keep my distance from Jalopnik Detroit.
Congratulations, Jalopnik. You just screwed this guy over. The 25-year ban is by date of vehicle manufacture, NOT by model year. That "loophole" that he found was due to the customs agents not knowing the letter of the law.
I understand that this is a car blog and that you cover all aspects of car culture, but I kinda think that this is one of the few things that is better left unpublicized. Internet fame is all these jackasses are after, and any mention of them (even when followed by stern warnings that what they did is stupid and no…
Wow, I've never been more disappointed in my jalop brethren and the apparent inability to be empathetic. This isn't about what a girl wore. It's not about what an agent said. It's about the fact that we love in a society where it's okay to say such things because "she shouldn't dress that way." Where, because…
From what I can gather, being a teenaged girl doesn't seem easy. Even if you're a teenaged girl with one of the best…
Yeah dammit. I hate it that I am FORCED to buy cars with seatbelts and headlights and indicators. Man! It really ruffles my feathers that I am not allowed to buy a car that doesn't have no seatbelts! Damn the Feds! AND in California I have to buy cars with emissions gear!
Thanks. I had tried to give my girlfriend a couple lessons in my miata, but being old, crappy, and modified, it wasn't the best car to teach with.
Nice story, and I love those cars! I've been doing what I call my "manual transmission outreach" for years now. Basically, I offer to teach/have taught a large amount of my friends to drive manuals. When given the opportunity, I find many people are enthusiastic to learn, and once they do learn, most seem to like it!
The M535i in this video isn't very nice. Petrolicious has really fallen off with the quality of their videos which is a shame, because the first few were great. Is Josh Clason (of Depth of Speed fame) still doing their stuff? That said, I loved my 87 535is. It wasn't the easiest thing to live with as a daily driver…
I wasn't angry, per se, but my sister, who drives a 9-3 Cabrio, was furious.
If this had happened to a couple vintage Corvettes (C1, C2, C3), then I would have understood exactly how you feel about this: there would have been lots of empathy. But after having bought an old Saab for my son, seeing this doesn't faze me one iota. Except possibly for a smidgen on the vintage car thread: I don't…
I am against this as much as the next guy but I think we sound like the Morris Marina Fan Club here a bit.
I love cars as much as any other, but christ Jalopnik, get a grip.