
No. There was a girl I knew when I was a kid who was severely handicapped. She'd been a strong player on my soccer team, and she always came to team sleepovers and we got along with her really well. She was awesome to be with.

Doctor M'Benga is awesome and it would have been great to see more of him!

"Friday's Child" originally featured a really bad mother. In Dorothy Fontana's script draft of "Friday's Child," the princess Eleen doesn't protect her baby at all costs, the way she does in the aired version. Instead, she hates her baby and is willing to hand the newborn over to be murdered, in exchange for her

I can't believe that of all of the things covered in this piece, the majority of the comments are focused on the question of whether male reporters are allowed to interview naked female players. They've reduced your love of the game to your "right" to see naked players.

I loved this article. Now I'm digging around trying to find some more stuff written by Jennifer Briggs. The part about remembering the safety of her daddy's arm while watching her first ball game at age 3 really got to me. Makes me think of my responsibility to my little girl and the impact I will have on her life. I

The writing on some of these stories, and from back before I ever thought about things like gender politics in the locker room, are always enjoyable and eye-opening.

"One even said, 'You know you don't have to do this work,' in a tone that sounded like Sting telling Roxanne she didn't have to put on the red light."

Now playing

You see, folks in the world of sports weren't used to working with a "fee-male." And you know, they all say that word so well.

The Let's Play of this game made me laugh so much with all the commentary, both by the player and by everyone who was commenting on it. It was so great, I'm just not sure if the real thing could compare to those memories.

Absolutely great piece, and a terrific follow-up. You all do a lot of cool and funny stuff here at Deadspin, but, The Stacks is by far my favorite thing about this site.

We wouldn't want them to have to make filler episodes or create a completely different storyline where Eren's dad's old girlfriend was making Titans to get the philosopher's stone.

Oh god, if you don't get all the endings... you never know how bizarre and twisted and deep this game really goes...

One of my girlfriends hasn't seen Galaxy Quest. I'm intending to rectify that immediately.

Awesome. Really hope we can get more VNs for the Vita. (wish that the Clannad kickstarter had a Vita option...)

This is correct. This movie is perfect, as-is. Plus, if you couldn't get Alan Rickman back, it's not really worth trying anyway.

re: you're number 1. Uhm, yeah, Daryl is the heart throb, but Rick's newfound badassery is making me all tingly, too. A couple of episodes ago when Abraham threatened him and he handed over his gun to beat his ass (despite being half Abraham's size) was dead sexy.

Hatoful Boyfriend was brilliant. It was goofy and lovable but then managed to pull what seemed like a one-off, pointlessly silly premise into a genuinely cohesive story. It really is one of the most creative and surprising games you'll ever play. (Yes, you need to get all the endings. You really, really do. Trust me

To be fair, he actually reacted with less drama than the entire Internet did.