
I mean, maybe it's unfair to compare it to the most original and popular game of its genre. Maybe the finished game will have better dialogue and artwork. But I have no idea why they need a whole team and 8000 Euros for something that the lady who made Hatoful Boyfriend did in her spare time with free software, stock

I played the demo because I love Visual Novels and Dating Sims, and I loved loved loved Hatoful Boyfriend. This... does not look good. I know it's just the beta test version, but the drawings are terrible, the dialogue is not clever in any way, they didn't put any thought into the background art, the music sucks...

I'm technically not German but I live in Germany, and I don't know anybody who uses whatsapp. I do know some twitter users, and a lot of people who use facebook but really, really, really hate it.

White folks are a small subset of the world population, and yet there they are in every damn stock image, laughing hysterically at salad. If stock photography was even remotely representative of the real world, then all their models would be chubby middle-aged Chinese and Indian people. Alas.

I bet I could find an "expert witness" with a medical or biology degree from some Eastern European online university or a Christian college in Bublefuck, Utah, who, for the right price, would be willing to testify in court that black people's eyes process light and visual information differently than, y'know, normal

And I celebrate that by rewarding those people with the gift of having to watch me shit myself and die? Makes sense.

Hooray for non-heteronormative stock photos!

10 years ago, one of my best friend's mother died of lung cancer in a hospital. It was clear to everyone that she was going to die that day, and my friend had decided to sit next to her bed and wait until it was over. After a good 10 hours of sitting, holding her hand and waiting, she had to go pee. Her mother passed

You know, I never understood why "dying surrounded by your loved ones" is such a goal or mark of a successful life for so many people. You'll most likely be in pain and mental anguish over your impending death, if you're even conscious at all, and you'll be surrounded by the sad, devastated faces of the people you

For some reason, the lady in the background shifting awkwardly back and forth makes this whole thing even funnier.

Really? It looks like a basic pencil case that elementary school students use. You can get those everywhere where I live. Supermarkets, bookstores, toy stores... Do you not have them in the US?

I hope Moa gets a shitload of money for this!

I know that, I'm talking about people reacting to US coverage of incidents like this. There's always a couple of assholes who show up on websites like this one or the AV Club or HuffPo or whatever to explain in the comments why something offensive isn't offensive when a (in this case) Ukrainian guy does it, because

Ethics in rape threat tweeting?

I'm surprised that no one has trotted out the tired old "cultural misunderstanding" defense yet. For some reason, every time something like this happens to a fellow European (or rather, he happened to that poor woman) and gets criticized in the US media, there's usually a wave of smug eye-rolling European apologists

Yeah I always thought the dirty towels were a little gross, but I never even considered that they might have caused my rashes and acne, because my parents were so anal about showering and handwashing and personal hygiene in general.
I can see how they would think that it's enough to change bed sheets only once a month

Yeah, my parents. They only wash their towels when there are visible stains or discolorations on them, or when they start smelling really foul. I used to have skin rashes pretty frequently as a child because of my sensitive neurodermitis-prone skin, and it all magically stopped once I moved out and started washing my

Yup, this one has my vote. The camera on this thing is sick.

That guy has a majestic nose.

So, how's that banning going?