
9/11 was an inside job.

Ok, but seriously. Who gives a fuck?

Today being today, can’t we appreciate how far Incognito went to make sure Martin’s sister felt special?

So we trained outdoors at high altitude for races the would take place indoors at sea level. That seems like good coaching... Lets just blame the suit though!

I don't know if he's a "nice guy," but he is a tremendous athlete and a badass. It's not just Russia who loses out from his withdrawal, we all do.

Honestly I wanted him to win and retire like a champ.

This is a probably wildly inappropriate forum for this conversation, but you should check out Ian Kershaw's <i>Fateful Choices</i> for a pretty interesting alternative reading to the conventional beliefs about Stalin's actions before Barbarossa. Kershaw argues that Stalin didn't believe that the he and Hitler were

Well Kirsten got what she asked for: More Towers

Yeah, giving them all prescriptions for hydrocodone and other opiates seems like a MUCH better solution.

You definitely forgot the part where the University sells the likeness of you and your fellow intramural athletes for $20 a pop on their website.

Clearly, analogies were NOT part of the application process.

It's kind of fascinating to me that to so many of these commenters, the only thing that could entitle a person to complain about their job is being forced to do it at gunpoint. Literally, that's it.

Chickens, coming home, roosting, etc.

Hey now. Sounds like somebody's jealous of the MVP of the 2011 NBA All Star Celebrity Game

I doubt this has anything to do with his race. I think it's more to do with his being an arrogant asshole. Everyone would be equally upset if a white guy took the opportunity to, on national television, air his dirty laundry. The fact that sports media darling, and amateur peephole nudist, Erin Andrews was the

Greg Howard does not get it in the slightest. The thing that rubbed people the wrong was is the "me-first" mentality of his little tirade. Listen to Peyton Manning after a big game.. Remember, this is a guy with a far more decorated career.. He NEVER takes credit for anything. And since everything immediately has to

Oh for fuck's sake. I like Sherman all right, I always like truth tellers even if they are nuts, which they have to be to tell truth in public. But the fact that Erin is a white woman has nothing, NOTHING to do with this. FUCKING NOTHING. If he had been yelling at the camera with Pam holding the mic is it somehow a

It's not about a 'black man knowing his place' to me. If Peyton Manning was interviewed and started shouting derogatory crap at the Patriot DBs, and how they better keep his name outta their mouths, I'd think he was equally classless.

Who's this "we" you speak of? Weird. Somebody must of hacked my Twitter, because I didn't tweet out anything about Richard Sherman last night.

I have always said that those who play the race card when there is no card to play are the racists themselves. This is one example.