not to mention that rampant denial that being overweight lends itself to a host of medical issues. rampant.
not to mention that rampant denial that being overweight lends itself to a host of medical issues. rampant.
this post is so beautiful I almost want to cry. you nailed it.
I wanted to point this out, but also how irrelevant it is. As a POC, Crosley of course has a perspective of an oppressed class, but it's also very clear simply being a POC has not given her any insight (quite the opposite actually) into Latino culture in any way.
I think it's far more troubling that people are implying that ladies BE SCARED of totally sexless aggressive things. It's a picture of a goddam wolf's head.
thanks for let us all know you might be offended.
it must make Republicans seethe with inner turmoil that if fewer teenagers are having babies, then it generally costs less money all around for lots of people, but on the other hand, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORES WITH THEIR FREE BIRTH CONTROL AND GODLESS SEX EDUCATION.
...except Greek organizations are explicitly sanctioned by the universities. you could make an argument that Greek organizations should be severed completely from the universities they, uh, are attached to (?). but as it stands today, schools have a vested interest in Greek organizations on their campus.
exactly. what kind of business sense is it to copy an idea that has already failed?
this made me pee a little
Rep. Scott Rigell, who is running against a Democratic woman next year, said he wants to focus on economic issues, not social issues.
my "favorite" is one for Adam Lambert - they spell "gypsy" like this: "g***y."
Polanski would be arrested immediately if he returned to this country. Also, everyone outside insufferable film snobs rightfully view him as a disgusting piece of shit
you clearly don't know what this film is about, you're just parroting back what the equally clueless author of this article is ranting about.
does the author of this article actually believe this film is going to be a two hour meditation on how fake women are better than real women?
so Jezebel is now covering Nation Enquirer stories. that level of meta will consume us all.
you and the seven people that have starred this as of this moment should be ashamed of yourselves for believing this drivel.
this. I support any mechanism that makes typing "preggers" more difficult
ladies' periods are going to get way harder to deal with in about twenty years!!!!! right bros!!!!??
I have reported you the NSA. prepare yourself for detention.