
to be fair this has been true since the dawn of mankind.

"I hate it when other people are happy!"

devil's advocate here: couldn't this an "ends justify the means" sort of situation? there's no negative outcome here is there?

your assertion that "thin and white = always attractive" is somewhat troubling.

do recall that this is the individual who did this.

famous athlete makes a lot of money? imagine.

I dunno, a pop star that likes to wear outrageous outfits, is gay-friendly, is barely-clothed, and is insistent that she's sooooo different is pretty out there, I'm not sure where you're coming from.

I can't quite articulate why, but this interview reeks of bullshit.

you could be a driver with 30+ years experience but it's 100% irrelevant if you're not actually looking at the road.

is this a troll or what?

someone in this thread said it but I can't find it now, so I don't know what happened here.

"butt hurt" is an offensive term to gay people, please don't use it.

people repeat this nonsense all the time and it will never, ever be true.

the point

THIS. Growing organic seems warm and fuzzy, but a lot of the time it's grossly inefficient.

Hilarious that Texas, Miss., Oklahoma, and New Mexico all deliberately passed laws banning texting for new drivers only. What?

and yet, there will be commenters here who will immediately insist that her apology is insincere and Hough is a irredeemable racist monster forever.

Isn't it just as important to understand that all women have different opinions and outlooks?

like, one second on Google.

THIS. weed wasn't "edgy" twenty years ago.