
The thing is, SusieQ, I really, really, REALLY wish I didn't have to write these stories. I wish I could just write about secret cat languages and dog trick videos. But when police officers—or specifically people who we trust with our SAFETY—are accused of rape, you better believe that's a headline.

Burt, have I told you that I love you, and that I'm so thrilled that Jezebel hired you? Really. You are a credit to the Jezebel name.

However, I really wish that Jezebel would stop with the sensationalist headlines and publish more than one type of cop story. These types of headlines (it happened again: everyone be afraid of police now) continue the cycle of fear and hatred of police officers everywhere and it makes their jobs that much harder. definition, police are supposed to protect and serve. What you call "good cop" stories are SUPPOSED to be the norm, because that is a police officer's goddamn job. Jezebel reports on stories like this because they're NEWS. A police officer that does something heartwarming beyond the call of her/his job is

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I try to dress up some on the days I teach lab, but otherwise my attire is decidedly less impressive.
But I also work in agriculture and no one EVER wears heels (also this is in Montana....) So even if I want to look spiffy I feel absurdly out of place.

The Bettona Classic is a staple in my work wardrobe. They are basically yoga pants.

Not just women. Mondays I'm at my most dapper. Friday mornings I have pretty much considered wearing formal sweatpants to work.

She actually said it in Cantonese, so Lord know what that would has translated to.

Please tell me she actually said "looks" and that's not a typo.

That definitely goes both ways. Women look at porn too.

To quote my mother, "they all looks the same in your stomach."

"31. He Wants You To Be His Muse

I love this comment so much.

Lonely places without the love of a good pizza.

#21: He either knows you're lying to him or thinks you are and becomes paranoid about it, so always tell him the truth.

It's opinions like this that are gonna take you places.

Where you bean?

This is my smug face.

It's not just Americans, it's most of the world. Because anyone different* to ourselves is scary, apparently.

If ever there was an argument for how fluid our constructs of gender and sex *actually* are, it is watching a person flip their sex hormones and watch how much it changes their body. Seriously, transphobic people- if people transitioning were doing something unnatural, why do their bodies get more traditionally