Oh wow, still catching my breath...biggest lols all week so thanks for the suggestion. It's hard to decide which one is the most funny/creepy. Good reminder that celebs are just people who get bad pics taken, same as everyone. ;)
Wait...Cloons is dating a woman who can speak in sentences? That's rad!
I read the headline and thought, I'm vaguely disturbed by this but I can't pinpoint why.
This. A million times this!
They are both so grotty and icky and dense and scummy and self-serving and weaslely...and other revolting slimy, bug-like associated words.
I only wish John Mayer and Katy Perry had stayed together so that a decent person wouldn't have to suffer at either of their hands.
Because it's not a religious thing. It's just bigotry. They're just using the Bible to absolve themselves of responsibility for their opinion.
It hurts people he doesn't care about in return for political support from his base.
They just can't understand why we aren't listening to them. They try so hard to tell us what we want.
I don't often envy others, but I'm envying pretty hard right now.
I met Steve Martin and his lovely wife Anne the other night. He is basically exactly like you would imagine.
What a disgusting comment - and yet the Republican party still wonders why they can't get women on their side.
I love you Steve! I hate you other Steve!
That's the same senator who said he opposes Common Core because it teaches "fuzzy math" that sometimes replaces numbers with letters. He's never heard of ALGEBRA and yet he's dictating education policy! Unbelievable.
How come "religious conservatives" only care about men lying with men and not any of the other rules in Deuteronomy?