
Only Mummers outfit worth discussing.

So charity is now a hostage? "Give us what we want or your sick, elderly and the poor are gonna get it!"

That's not very Jesus like...

I don't know why I even have expectations to be able to control my own body.

Being willing to shut down completely over this is a bit... excessive... to me. I mean, I don't think Jesus was going to stop administering to the poor because some Roman policy pissed him off...

And then cut SNAP benefits because poverty is a sin now!

So they are willing to abandon their entire charity (and the lives of poor, elderly people) because not signing a paper that allows an external administrator to cover contraception is more important? They're willing to let Actual People who are alive and in need suffer for the potential lives of future-fetuses that

It's not the end of the world, it's just another loss in the never-fucking-ending fight to control my body.

The same places that don't support birth control also don't support Maternity/Paternity leave either.

Because nobody is forcing people who don't believe in BC to take it. This is about employers forcing their religious views on their employers.

Why would any woman be religious and follow the bible? Seriously. WHY WHY WHY? I dont know of a book ever written or an organization ever constructed that was more misogynistic and more anti woman than the bible and any major religion.

Let Dusty tell you all about it

Or only allows pregnancy to occur on years ending in eight. Employees would be forced to take birth control all other years. I wonder how Christian groups would feel about those employers rights to express freedom of religion by forcing it down employees throats?

If you get special exceptions under the law, or the law is changed for your religion, you are being treated in a special way that puts you above the law.

Yes, but nuns aren't their god. Nuns don't judge your "soul" when you die, their make believe daddy does.

Well, God loves boners, so.

Freedom of religion is absolutely impossible if certain religions are treated like special snowflakes. The secular framework gives a place for all religions. If you don't get that, you need a better education. If you don't believe in taking birth control, don't take it. If you can't do that as an employer, don't be an

So, they are meddling inappropriately in the spiritual lives of others and very inappropriately in the actual lives of people who do not practice their religion. Are they trying to bring back the effing Spanish Inquisition? I mean, is religion controlling our government what they want?

Boners are God's divine will.

Lemmie guess, Viagra etc are covered


When will Christians stop oppressing the people in this country?