
The late August call to investigate an allegation of domestic assault at Ford’s house is one of many contacts — more than two dozen — that uniformed officers have had with members of the Ford family over the past eight years. The Star’s sources have said these “interactions” include domestic violence calls.

Ford was

Woot! Ginger snaps! It's a future date! But what kind of tea would be appropriate for a child's MMA-play date?

I googled, "What is cisgendered," and one of the first results was a, "TERF," website. Not knowing what the fuck I was reading I thought it was some radical Christian blog... until I realized everyone commenting were lesbians who hated men so deeply that it applied to even trans women.

No, it is scientific science and it has nothing to do with the biases that people have against fat people at all!

But doesn't this conflict with the science that says that all fat people are lazy overeating liars?

"Trans-Exclusional Radical Feminists." Basically a largely ignored (with good reason) fringe wing of feminism that hates any women who don't have the "right" chromosomal makeup. They consider transgender women to be men in disguise who are trying to co-opt the movement or sneak into their clubhouse or some such

Woah woah woah. He may be a crack smoking goofy douchbag but calling him a wife beater is kind of taking it too far. Where's your evidence?

Ugh, TERFs. Proof positive that the very first thing a marginalized group in America does after achieving a measure of acceptance is look behind them for someone THEY can oppress.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.

I love this comment.

It succinctly—and accurately—encapsulates all that is Rob Ford in a paragraph + a sentence.

Would that my students could be so efficient in their use of language.

It's quite understandable why she puts up with him, at least. He keeps her in place with threats and violence.

This guy! It’s like he woke up one morning, probably sometime in his early teens, and was just like, “I’m going to make all the bad choices! Every one of ‘em! Let’s just see where it gets me!” And it got him a mayor-ship and a wife who inexplicably puts up with his bullshit.

I legit laughed at this. Your future-daughter is welcome to come over and learn to kick arse with my future-daughter anytime, and we can laugh about it over a large cup of tea and some homemade ginger-snaps!

It's for this reason that I'll modify all of the bed time stories I tell my future-daughter.

"because everybody knows they're smarter and more interesting."

Yeah that's why there's no One Direction merch at all, girls don't buy anything.

It's like, "We don't want the girls because the girls won't buy toys."

"We need boys, but we need girls right there, right one step behind the boys"—this is the network talking—"one step behind the boys, not as smart as the boys, not as interesting as the boys, but right there."

"Ma'am/sir, please don't let your toddler play with that aerosol bottle of hairspray." also makes them surprisingly grouchy with me.

People whose business it is who Kate Winslet's children live with: