For a moment there I was all THE ELEPHANT IS CROWING AT THE DOG!!1!
For a moment there I was all THE ELEPHANT IS CROWING AT THE DOG!!1!
Nah, I think some people just have bugs up their asses today. It's the equinox, y'all; chill out and have a good equinox!
My problem isn't with informing people of the risks. I think that's fine. The other day I found out that cats are apparently really bad for pregnant ladies. I never knew that. That's info I'd want as a preggo. I don't want you telling me constantly to give away my cats, or that I'm "killing my baby" if I don't.
I completely advocate for informed choices. I'm not saying don't tell a pregnant woman that sushi has been known to cause harm to wanted pregnancies. I'm saying, don't take her sushi away or judge her if she decides to eat it anyway.
I didn't even know half of what you just said, but it makes me even more sure that I stand by my words. So basically, for the majority of one's life, any biologically female human must put her own health second to the health of a potential person that does not exist. Just... WHAT?!?
Right. So you tone police me, and I'm supposed to defer to you.
I'm surprised at how much push-back you've gotten because I don't think there's anything shocking about what you've said. I'm totally there with you. A fetus is a fetus until it's born and becomes a person. I have friends that have miscarried and I felt really terrible for them, but the fetus was a non-entity. I think…
What's shocking about anything I've said? I believe a woman knows what's best for her own body. Apparently that makes me revolutionary.
Omg... why do people keep insinuating that I'm advocating for pregnant ladies to be becomes daredevils and jump of buildings and shit?
In my jurisdiction, a woman who *might* be pregnant is not permitted to give consent to certain medical procedures, including xrays. 'Might be pregnant' includes any woman of childbearing age, including women who are in the middle of having a miscarriage. Women need to 'prove' to their doctor they are not pregnant…
I mean, I guess I was a little aggressive in stating it initially, but all I really mean is that I'm concerned about the MOM. The ACTUAL PERSON housing the pregnancy. When the baby is born, I'll worry about him/her too. Until then, I'm concerned about making sure that the mom gets through the pregnancy safely.
So you think that if she miscarries, her weightlifting is directly to blame and it's her own fault? Ok.
It's so incredibly silly when people pop out the "but they have the RIGHT to say it!" argument. When someone says "excuse me" because I'm blocking a path, I have a right to say "excuse you motherfucker, I'm in this path and I'm not moving". That doesn't mean that it's something that's appropriate to do.
One of the biggest-selling books this year featured a heroine who referred to her vagina as "down there. " If that doesn't say it all.....
People have a right to question her about her body and child? Interesting opinion.
Yes. Just last weekend I was chastised relentlessly by my father-in-law because I remained standing with my plate after my husband and I arrived to a graduation party. I simply replied that I had been sitting in the car for 2 hours, so I wanted to be able to stretch my legs for a little bit, but he would NOT let it…
Ah, a pregnant woman is getting criticized for her decisions. The sky remains blue, up is up, black is black, water is wet, etc.
No matter what women do during pregnancy there'd be someone there to tell her that she's doing it wrong. At least she's getting it for doing something that's good for her.
I hope she doesn't feel too badly about it. I hope she realizes that a lot of Americans are seriously lacking education about very basic biological functions and the vast majority of her detractors are talking out of their asses. I was lucky enough to get comprehensive sex ed, but had to take an actual parenting class…
Sad to say, but yeah, once you're pregnant you're assumed to have the brains and decision-making capability of an infant. I had to get a permission slip from my doctor to get my teeth cleaned at my dentist when I was pregnant. Just a cleaning. No X-rays, no anaesthesia, nothing. I suppose I should have asked the…