
That’s just for the missile system.

What if they were 16" railguns?

Yeah, but by weight, it was pretty equal.

I think we’re getting somewhere now...

FYI for all the retards who are butthurt about my OP, chill the fuck out. Its troll bait.

I’m not sure it’s beyond the realm of possibility that railguns and/or energy weapons may make all flight impossible within their line of sight.

Noise from engine failure doesn’t count.

While I agree there’s a few here with unrealistic expectations of what the Hog will be able to do in the future, I think the whining is justified when the fucking USAF seems bound and determined to shitcan the best aircraft for the job RIGHT NOW.

We won’t learn to live with the issues, we’ll throw cubic dollars at the issues until they’re fixed.

Good answer.

I can’t argue that.

It has been perceived that the stealthy jet’s engine that punches out 40,000 pounds of thrust is louder and more obnoxious in tone than the powerplants in the aircraft it replaces.

At some point I’m sure you’ll regale us with the tale of Australia’s contributions to Russia’s conversion to capitalism and democracy.

Makes you wonder if we had helped ease Russia’s transition to a market based economy, would Putin have come to power?

About the only good part about hitting that white male 35-50 category is that the comedic references are aimed right at me these days.

And that’s without ever having to defend against cruise missiles.

I need to spend more time on youtube. That was epic.

The USMC made sleeves mandatory for all senior NCOs.

I dare you to watch Final Countdown and tell me we don’t need to bring back beards in the Navy.

I cheered.