There’s a 4 door in the parking lot.
If you’re going to do something insane like buy a V12 Merc, why not go completely batshit and drop another several grand on the potentially way over 200mph SL65?
A quick search seems to indicate Ownerguard is bad juju.
After years of being out of the gray on the mothership, I inexplicably don’t show up at all there anymore.
I wish I meant “if”.
So when the 35 goes operational, do all the Vipers hit the surplus market?
Why would they be armed? To strafe illegals? Trump isn’t president yet.
“It just doesn’t feel... 100% right to me.”
Dammit. I they were a genuine warning label.
I want a box of those stickers.
Poland held out pretty well considering they were fighting the Nazis and the Soviets at the same time.
Hadn’t seen that before. Funny!
“They did what?”
Now that things have sort of normalized, we should make it our first priority to buy those Tomcats back from Iran.
Something horrifying could never happen onboard its replacement.
Yeah, I read it in Shore Leave’s voice.
If only.
I can’t look at that aircraft and not envision it talking like Larry the Cable Guy.