
I think we’ve got one.

I think they’d be more likely to ask why they’re wearing girl’s jeans.


It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.

I feel like we’re living in an alternate universe where guys half a century ago built machines like this, and Apollo, but don’t/can’t now.

Or anyone who might be the smartest guy in the room.

Maybe apart from Iran, Russians and Chinese have nothing to do in the Gulf; although, that would cause GCC states to buy more arms.

And how nice would it be if the west would,just once, put money and profit aside in the name of not inciting the conflict and then profiting from it.

But you can NEVER have enough environmental data.

I hate those brothers, and myself, for watching it.

If we buy you a ticket, will you leave?

I’m rooting for high casualties on everything not wearing stars and bars.

Please explain how source guided munitions could possibly be as accurate as guided munitions.

Stop posting your bullshit “I’m on a watchlist now” links.

I keep hearing rumors about how SA has crashed the market, but have been too lazy to do any research.

I agree with your premise. The region is a complete shitshow, and it’s going to get worse.

How great would it be if we’d have burned those airframes out over AFG, rather than all of our 4th gen fighters?

It is frustrating to deal with such toxic levels of stupidity.

You are so on The List.

No, and based on the full auto trigger group, might have done a mandatory minimum sentence in Federal prison.