
Most would.

That’s mostly because we don’t give a shit.

How else are they going to protect an amphibious landing?

I prefer to put a garbage pail on my head and repeatedly hit it with a blunt object as I run from the room.

Maybe the Israelis aren’t the intransigent fucks most would like you to believe.

Great post. And user name.

I have conservative political leanings and even I think Fox News is 24 hours of bullshit.

This guy has sooooo many missed opportunities to make jokes.

Did I make it before Buzz’s insane anti-Obama rant?

Too young to remember the ballistic knives?

Yeah, but you guys are sheltered pussies.

No fucking excuse with that many guys.

I think the USSS was less than thrilled with their performance against targets without armor, and dropped them.

Like dementia?

I’m sensing a future winner in the “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” category.

Too late.

There’s no money in it.

Easy there, Dick.

No, but I’d sure as shit hate to be in the back of an E250 on the receiving end of a coke dealer bumpfiring a Barrett, regardless of ammo type.