
I dunno.

Don’t you think he would if he could?


Pixar used to be awesome.

I haven’t been keeping up. What’s the latest infringement?

Yeah, but the Air Force ain’t giving those up.

Yeah, but the 25th anniversary car is the supermodel who needed plastic surgery to get there.

Maybe not killing the planet, but certainly significantly increasing property values in the southern hemisphere.

Yes. This is for when the only operational radar is ours.

I guess you missed the part where we made two seat variants of the F-15/6/8 for exactly that purpose.

They will.

If this thing turns into a stealthy F-16, I’ll dance a fucking jig.

Looks far better than the Boeing entrant.

Because the USAF has decided it isn’t going to do intratheater transport.

With gas prices low, and going nowhere soon, why the fuck would they?

Good luck finding dad.

His parents?

I’ve caught and kept the “scary stuff” referenced above.

Not unless they’re going to take as long with this one, as they did the Veyron.
