
If they built a version without the electric bits they’d charge more money, not less.

Chevy SS should have a stripper for $35k.

For the same reason BMW will stick an M badge on everything except the 7.

Guess again.

That might be the most intelligent thing I’ve ever seen posted here.

It’s going to be a bitch just with today’s level of electronics.

Christ. So we’re going to have all these cool toys, and not be able to use them?

Yeah, I’m aware of the F-35s use of fuel as a heatsink- and its limitations.

It seems like only yesterday we were able to crank out functional aircraft with regularity.

I’m not an expert, but a big chunk of experts in Defense seem to disagree with your dismissal of laser weaponry.

That depends on which political party’s guys are enforcing it, and whether or not they’re really serious about that whole “small gov’t” thing.


I love Cheetahs so fucking much.

Hard to imagine a warehouse full of illegals working full time couldn’t screw together a Cobra for under $30k. Maybe WAY under.

Or maybe I’d rather get a car built by someone who does it for a living.

You mean like every second 3/4 ton+ pickup in the southeast?

Northrop is pursuing a concept instead that does not rely on accumulators or offboard venting to manage the heat

The F-22 is an out of production design from the 80s, that may have some really big bugs.

They won’t work against anyone but the RPG crowd.