It says a lot about the quality of post race driver interviews when the substitution of a robot may increase viewer interest.
It says a lot about the quality of post race driver interviews when the substitution of a robot may increase viewer interest.
1. Your quote appears nowhere on the site you linked, or anywhere google crawls.
Starred simply for making me aware of how great her legs are.
I look at him more like that adorable Chihuahua mix that never quite got housebroken.
I had forgotten that.
I got a little suspicious when the radar track showed the area of incursion was roughly the size of a gnat’s clitorus.
Pretty sure that’s what the FB status reads.
He’ll be with us as long as we’re still conducting operations in a world potentially lit with canned sunshine.
Paging Senator Thompson, Senator Thompson, you’re presence is requested in the FA room.
I’ve been led to believe that every Camry and Accord ever made is currently serving as a taxi in some third/fourth world shithole.
I passionately hated these cars when they came out.
If she can drive a stick, you’re going to be OK.
Your humor and English is outstanding.
Yes she is!
3. Tranny grinds whenever I move the stick
No burgers.
Holy shit. I’d heard about this, but I’ve never seen it.
and Saab which sold it as the 9000.
Who didn’t?
Why am I back in the gray?