I’ll raise you a harpoon equipped speeder.
I’ll raise you a harpoon equipped speeder.
I actually wondered about this yesterday.
Still more realistic than that tube Musk proposed.
It’s completely feasible.
There are different yardsticks in the truck world. Instead of top speed...
Oh my god.
Number three?
I’m going to assume when you said “almost as nice” you really meant “just as shitty”.
Shouldn’t you be out protesting hurt feelings with your striking students?
1. The Fiats are new. MINI has been at the bottom of reliability ratings for a decade.
Is there a performance version of this?
In honor of our brave university students across the country, I’m going to choose to be offended by all the fat Minis.
How is this different than the fat Fiat that’s hugely cheaper, and more reliable?
Which was their whole point.
Nobody is using any fucking nukes.
Yeah, but what if you want to drive fast?
That’s a great fucking point.