
Chris Barger is an awesome guy! Best of luck Chris!

Well, if you think about it the epic Renault R5 Turbo was a 2 passenger Le Car with a baking tray instead of a trunk. Just hearing that should cause you to violently vomit and have explosive diarrhea but because race car it is the awesome.

I say old chap. Your automobile is not worthy of being in the same car park as mine. Because race car.

That there boys is what hopelessness looks like. Stare deep into the empty nothingness and rejoice that you don't own one.

Oh, and did I mention a Turbo R will do every bit of 175 MPH? I know, I've checked ;)

Definitely the Turbo R. They can get as low as $15k and still look every bit of their original sticker price. They look better than than the Arnage, with their Hyundai XG350 tail lights.

For $80k I believe the Cadillac is tuned, and a GT-R with all the bells and whistles is actually $96k

That's not a 26 foot bus! Those Prevosts are generally 45 feet long but can range from 40-46 feet, certainly not 26 foot.

I was reading this post out loud to my father while he was driving and he was instantly puzzled as to why Steve McQueen would own a 911T instead of a 911S. When I got to the part of the post where it mentioned he sold it in favor of his 911S he already owned he said "Aaaaaahhh no that's more like it..." then he went

Yes, we all fucking love cocaine! Anyone who doesn't fucking love cocaine can get back in their Prius, pussies...

Something tells me those leggings are not SFI rated, how can Bill be so careless?

If by Charlie Sheen you mean hated by those in the industry but starred in a show/ designed cars that led to record viewership/ sales, then yes.

That pretty much says it all.

Now that I think about it, appoint me as the head marketing guy for Jaguar and I'll make this car the best selling thing since the iPad. Here is how the ad will go...


What's so great about that entire photo archive is that you see how much has changed and how much hasn't changed at all. Sunset Beach still looks pretty much the same, all the way down to the water tower which I believe has now been incorporated into a house that sits below. Thanks for turning me onto this archive

Matt Tiny Dancer Hardigree LMAO!

If the long distance highway MPG is up there I'd buy one yesterday. Are you listening Volvo!?

Stop playing politics in business and just let GM run GM! Bring back the MAXIMUM!