
Profoundly against :) And yes, I agree.

FYI, Destiny’s lack of story wasn’t because it was an online game.

I don’t normally play Far Cry games but I may pick this one up. I feel this sort of setting and antagonist is a, ahem, far cry from the usual suspects and it certainly has piqued my interest.

I know people will be cracking jokes and complaining about consumerism and stuff... but those dumb plastic ships look really cool and I love buying stupid little collectibles, so I’m interested.

This post is a perfect example of how Nintendo can’t win.

Yeah, I don’t know what the author was smoking, they don’t endlessly respawn. I did it with no Typhon powers too. I’d incapacitate the robots, run and hack them to fight for me. Didn’t find this part to be particularly difficult at all. I found I more annoying later when the alpha surrounds the station and you can no

Because it is. Go ahead, look across the United States, which this game is about.

I want to confirm I am seeing it too. I brought up how there was no complaints about most of the other FC games having People of Color as targets and I actually got a response that violent brown people is more REALISTIC....

WHERE IS A NEW DARKSTALKERS!, I WOULD BUY ALL THE PREORDER DLC MACROTRANSACTION BULLSHIT FOR A NEW DARKSTALKERS (bought all those stupid arcade cabinet skins for the 360 and ps3 port).

Oh, I’m sorry, you don’t like political correctness? By all means, allow me:

You’re a racist retard. Your existence if quite literally the bane of our species that enables misbehaving faggots to consistently harass, distress and overall harm other human beings for precisely zero gain. Morons like you think it’s okay to

A dramatic reenactment of Canids’ brain over the course of this controversy:

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

I agree MvC 1 was the only good one. MvC 2 had way too many characters for the developers to properly balance, and you end up with 100000 different players all picking Magneto and Cable and doing the same glitch to juggle you the whole game. MvC 3 had a combo system that consisted of LP, MK, HP,MK, LP, launch,

MvC is perfect in every way.

Even though that game got somewhat repetitive at times, I ultimately thought it was really fun and was disappointed that it didn’t sell well enough to warrant a sequel.

If I read the article right, they didn’t disable the mod; they just removed it from their own website. You can still get it at third-party sites, including ModDB. That sounds pretty close to the approach you’re recommending, no?

OK but the real question is why pretty much ALLL the overwatch porn is futa.

You’d maybe have a point if this was all about Kojima... But it isn’t just about him. A lot of people have been affected, even if not emotionally then by Konami dropping all of their AAA titles for consoles apart from PES. And Kojima? He’s actually said nothing. Way less than what Konami have said in regards to their

Oh please, this isn’t “Always Evil Corp”, nobody is demonizing Konami out of thin air, there actions are every bit damnining and have ZERO excuses, I don’t give a fuck about their pachinko wet dreams or how they are destroying their game department and driving the whole thing straight into the ground out of greed, but