

And 7% of the 9% of the 20% of the 25% of the 57% of the 63% of the 78% of the 89% of the 99% of the people you keep referring to don't get a say in what they think because you are clearly the master of statistics about what the world knows.

If Gutts was invented he'd kill them all...

Of for gods sake, EVERY GAME CONSOLE ALREADY DOES DIGITAL YOU MYOPIC IDIOT!! ...sorry, I try not to call people idiots. But seriously, all Microsoft has to do is offer games for digital downloads and give gamers a reason to buy them. I think I've already comments on you about this.

You're correct. That model they're sizing it up against is either the 40GB, 80GB (non backwards compatible one) or the 160GB (the one that came with Uncharted 1 back in the day). The ones at launch, the 20GB and 60GB had 4 USB ports (as did the 80GB that played PS2 games), plus the 20GB had a black front and the 60GB

I never would have just stopped with Pres. Obama, I only singled him out because he was the object of the original post I was responding to. No one in Washington really has our best interests at heart, although they tell themselves that they do. We really need to overhaul the entire system. Serving in the

Must be a tight fit in there.

And in 8 months it will be the second fastest. DAMN YOU MOORE!

Yeah! Bring back Firefly, you assholes.

Loved that video!

"The world needs a kanye west video game".

Since google fiber is available in such a wide range of places....

Yup. Another reason to not get a device you were never going to get in the first place.

How about Apple just make a new phone? I mean, they keep changing the damn power adapters, but how about something new? The latest iteration of IOS 7 looks a lot like the latest iteration of the Google OS. That is funny because Google OS was a copy of the IOS.

Nice shotgun.

You guys:

Still upset about The Last of Us.