
Two that I know of.

After 13 years in the military I’d have to tell you that it would never happen. The military is entirely too unorganized for this. You need shit shot and blown up. Gotcha. Run an option? Not happening.

I guess this meme can come back then....

Me waiting for single player DLC.

To each their own, I preorder games I’m buying no matter what. Others, get the gamefly treatment. I don’t read reviews anymore. What makes something suck for one person isn’t a big deal to another. People are quick to jump on or off the hype train so fast these days (not saying you are...if anything sounds like you

Gonna just leave this here for everyone questing the whole free speech thing. You have the right to say what you want. We have the right to respond. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

I find this to be funny because depending on where you’re at overseas you HAVE to put your photo on your resume.

Sony is making money hand over fist due to the ps4 sales. It’s their movie section that they are bleeding pretty badly if I’m not mistaken. But I think a lot of that has been offset by the spider-man movie (which as of the 30th made back almost double it’s budget. Soooooo they can eat that emoji movie loss.)

So million dollar question. How does this affect Crunchyroll and that new VRV thing they are trying to spin out?

Not going to lie. I’m mad that modders are making more single player content than R* has. I remember them promising to make more and have yet to see them actually do anything but add on to online. I’m glad I didn’t buy the game. I did play it (ty gamefly), but was waiting for a GOTY addition with single player add on

I didn’t see anything here about the swapping back and forth between the future. Also, I want to know if they tie up some of the loose ends from Desmond. What happened with that Goddess? What’s going on with the Sage?

Next on the chopping block......

If I had a chance to be any color........I’d stick with the skin I have.

I have to tip my hat here. The comments here are a LOT better than they are on FB. FB has people screaming stuff like...”She has on white face”(no she doesn’t. She’s playing as Moxxi. Go google her) “If I wear braids black people get pissed.” No...we don’t. We get pissed when you can wear them to work and everyone is

I would agree with you, BUT the fact is that historically, blackface was seen as a means to make fun of black people. With that said, if you are trying to darken/lighten your skin to stay true to the character, I’m all about it, but if you’re doing it to be a dick, not so much......Examples would be.