
PlayStation TV

QUOTE | "There was a time when spines were pulled out of players, and we don't have to do that anymore." - Veteran designer Sid Meier, explaining why he thinks game designers should create a "positive climate."

Because there's a difference between native 1080 and unscaled to 1080p.

Go to this link. It shows you a simple image running at 15/30/60 fps.

So true....

Maybe you should stick to games that are shorter. All the games you mentioned are good games in their own right. I'm glad MGS is as long as it is. I would have hated the game if it were shorter. It seems to me that since you don't have the time to play longer games, you want them to be shorter. I suggest you start

I'm having a great time with the new Sims. Plenty other gamers continue to deride it, however. As many dissatisfied fans explained to me last month, they're disappointed with the game because they think it comes up short, content-wise. Stuff or features deemed essential in previous Sims games was left out for no good

Stop. Your trying to bring common sense to the table. Please see your way out.

Dude, that was awesome.

I can't say I agree with you. You have people who read casually and then you have book worms. You have people who go to the movies once in a while and then you have movie junkies. You have people who game casually and then you have hardcore gamers. Call it what you want, but there IS a divide. As far to what justifies

I know I'm going to sound like an ass, but she looks like Fiona from Shrek

They need to bring that game back.

Fine, you get on a trike and make it look this badass...

After all of the complaining that you did....Did you even pick up a controller and try this out? I mean, just to give it a shot? You did it for 4 solid games, what's a demo?

Now playing

Wait, we can't post pictures but we can post video's? Ladies and gent's let the games begin....

It's the perception of how they are marketed. When you thought of Xbox it was mostly Sports games and FPS's. Now that's not true, but that's the perception. When it came to Playstation, it was RPG's and indies. That's what people generally thought. As a person who own's both, there are RPG's I buy because they run

Your trolling me right?

Since we can't post pictures, going old school....