Now playing

Wait, we can't post pictures but we can post video's? Ladies and gent's let the games begin....

It's the perception of how they are marketed. When you thought of Xbox it was mostly Sports games and FPS's. Now that's not true, but that's the perception. When it came to Playstation, it was RPG's and indies. That's what people generally thought. As a person who own's both, there are RPG's I buy because they run

Your trolling me right?

Since we can't post pictures, going old school....

How not? You know they aren't talking about just going in and doing something that enhances the game. People who "hack" the games to give them an unfair advantage suck. It's like saying, since I'm not good enough to beat you regularly, I'm going to look for something broken, exploit it and then come back and own you.


Hey, I figured you would know this...why can't we post pictures? Is the site messed up or is that option removed for some reason?

Ok, I was just being an asshole when I said that. I too was trolling. But you still have valid points. I was just trying to play around...sarcasm doesn't always come across well on the interwebs.

That's not a barrel roll. It's an Aileron Roll. And I know I'm about to get grief for this, but it's true.

You just kicked a hornets nest...

Correction. Deus Ex had 4 endings...this only had 3.

Glad to see this happening. Activision is currently waiting to see if this pans out well, because if it does they are going to jump into this next. Which is awesome because instead of just paying one fee for something like PS NOW (not a fan of the prices right now) I'll have to pay fees based on what publisher I want

I don't understand the issue here? There's nothing game breaking about this. These are SKINS. It's not like your getting access to a level that nobody is going to be able to play, I would understand that, but these are skins. So they are giving a little extra incentive to pre-order the game. How is this damaging

Then do that shit on your own. Don't screw up my time because you want to figure out how to hack a game. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it. I'm saying that I shouldn't be forced to partake in what your doing against my will. (Not talking to you directly, btw.)

IE is the worst out of the group..It's that far behind. Like a race...


You know what? This is exactly the hype this movie wants. All this free publicity.

You still haven't presented any counter material to go against what he said. I've been following the thread between the two of you and quite honestly would like to see your side of the argument beyond name calling.

I really wanna get two of these.

See, this is why we can't have nice things. So there's this guy, Darthmod...Fuck even Fez. Dear Internet, how about we not be fucking assholes to everyone because we can. How about we exercise that option?