
I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.

Super Time Force is coming to Steam soon. Formerly a Xbox One and Xbox 360 exclusive, the time-screwing action platformer hits Valve's digital storefront this summer as Super Time Force Ultra. Yeah, that's STFU for short.

Then I'm one of the lucky one's. I've never experienced any of the issues your saying your having and I've played all Assassins Creeds on my computer and I've not run into any issues. Where as if I do remember, there was this...

Right, because Origin is light years ahead of Uplay....

I'm going to just leave this here for you......This kinda hones on what Ronin08 was talking about....

Now playing

Not to beat a dead horse, but this is fucking funny. CNN does a story on this while shit like StarPower is on.....point in case.....

GameFly it is........

Another one of these would be nice.

Wait, you want people to apply common sense to things? GTFO of here.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that they are prob going to steam the game to your console. I'm sure you'll download what you need in order to play, but you won't have a full game. The rest will be streamed to you.

Going to have to say that what Sony exec's say does not phase any fanboys. I've seen some down right nasty Xbox fans that can be just as evil as Sony fans. Let's not forget Nintendo fans and then.........

If this happens I think I would turn the game off. can't even think about it.

Ha ha ha. Thanks. It already got yanked.

I get what your saying, but we're having two different discussions. You state that by NVIDA and Ubisoft partnering up, Ubisoft is going to be able to make games look better on their cards because they are optimizing for that card. I get that and totally understand that. That's not what I'm arguing about. I stated (and

Where's the video?

You read too deep into that. Maybe I read the article wrong as well. What I got from this it that Ubisoft is purposely making it so that NVIDA cards can run this better and that it's making it harder for AMD cards to run this.