
Not a lot of plot here.

Or Maybe he's red because Red and Blue in the Japanese culture generally refer to Oni. Blue Oni are calm and Red Oni are all over the place....Sounds like it fits them pretty well? Saying that one guy wore a red jacket so everyone else that has one on is copying the first is a bit much. Also, unlike InuYasha Dante

Yes, however the designers for the game explicitly state what I mentioned above as their reference material. If you want I can probably peel back every anime/movie/game to find elements of some other anime/movie/game in them. I stated what was said by the Dev team. Give me a link to any of the original Dev's saying

Correction Dante was based off a Manga called Cobra

Not going to lie. Just beat Castlevania and I'm a bit disappointed. Plus whenever I see Alucard I instantly think SOTN which is not fair. I guess I'm going to end up watching a LP of this.

Question, has EA ever b0ught a company and just left the company alone to see what happens? Kinda like what Sega did w/ Atlus?

So Mighty # 7 is either..


Sooo, it looks like I'm going t wait until the GOTY edition of MGS5 comes out to pick this up. I'm done w/ the pre game sales of half games. I love MGS, but I refuse to purchase the entire game for almost 100 bucks once you combo the two together. So like I said, I 'll just wait on this. Infamous is coming out

I'm still on the fence about trying though.....

Now playing

Remember what happened the last time they did a full blown movie.

Was thinking more like SAO.

Now playing

I don't know why, but that made me think of this.

Yeah, that's generally how that works...

Start singing because of this text..

I met him at TGS 2008. He was a cool dude. I'm sad he's leaving....

Wait, I can own one and not be called a