
Now as a Sony fan I agree w/ you, but I do have to interject with some key points that the PS4 royally screwed up on. Non DLNA support for one. 802.11n wifi cards (really? even Apple products use 802.11 ac cards). The heat issues and that's about all I can think up. Oh, yeah and the small ass HD it comes with. Yeah, I

You both have way more faith in FF then I do at this point. I've given up hope after X-2.

I'll make it easy for you. If like games like Infamous, Killzone, Knack, and other "Sony" things get a PS4. If not get and X1 for games like Halo, Gears of War, Titanfall, and Fable.

nah, get TF on PC.

Well, you know what? If the FCC doesn't unfuck itself, people aren't going to be able to use that "cloud computing" if the ISP's get to set what traffic goes to who at what speeds. Not to mention data caps and what not.

Wow, for a minute there it sounded like you were talking about Nintendo and the Wii U.

Wait, are you serious? There is a solid difference between 30fps and 60 fps.

Yes, Square Enix's latest sojourn in the well-trod world of medieval fantasy and magical crystals will feel familiar to anyone who has played old Final Fantasy games and other classics. Bravely Default, which is out today in North America, is a lot like Final Fantasy V, and Final Fantasy IX, with a dash of Final

Well, I hope you get a chance to play it. It is a nice game. Maybe not most epic ever, but it had me.

To each their own. I tried the walking dead and hated the combat in it. That's what killed it for me.

I have to say that it's different to play. You really should pick up the sticks and give it a whirl. You got gamefly right? Rent it and have at it.

I think the problem is that this column is FILLED with "Le hipsters" that are too cool to like the game because it's cliche. It didn't X, or Y. What game has? When Halo came out everyone said it was revolutionary! I t wasn't. It did the same thing TLOU did. It was really good at being Halo.

We gotta figure this out....

Your not alone. I had an associate that had this issue. He would binge eat but couldn't keep anything on him. He never ran, never worked out nothing. He would eat Burger King for breakfast, 1 larger Domino's pizza for lunch and then would have BK for dinner. He would drink about 8-9 red bulls......DAILY (on top of 5

I read you wrong. I took you as saying ? "Because eating at McDonald's is always a healthy option. (Cue comments showing me so wrong how they lost 5600 pounds...." as you saying bullshit. If we agree then cool beans.

Here's my argument against you. Eating too much of anything is bad if you don't balance your diet. I'm sure we both can throw facts at each other to prove our point. But what it all boils down to is genetics, portion control and exercise. Some people are lucky and have the metabolism of a crack fiend, some not so much

It's what I saw first.