
Lost SO much time to this game....but it was so worth it.

I was thinking she could do the cosplay.

beat me to it.

I hear you and I understand and I agree to disagree. I don't feel that I should be forced to purchase this. Only time will tell. If enough people opt not to purcahse the X1 because of the camera then Microsoft will end up having to back peddle again. If they don't fold I hope to see some games that utilize the camera

I hear what your saying, but I don't think you've heard me. The thing is this. Yes the X1's camera is attached, but the PS4 is making it so that you can use your phone/PSP, PS Vita/Camera w/ the PS4. Also, Sony made it mandatory that the upcoming games on the PS4 have to have some functionality with either the

how about this. After both consoles' have been out for a month we attack this. I've seen articles that spin for and against the X1.

Actually, not true. The one stipulation is that if you make a game for the PS4, it has to use either the camera or the Vita (which also comes w/ a camera). So yeah, outright there is no forcing to use the camera, but the option is there, but wait. Since the X1 camera can be removed, doesn't that kinda take out the

Question. If I were to sell you a car with 6 tires but I was charging you for the 6th tire would you get pissed? You already have what you want, but I'm going to force you to take an extra tire even though you've stated you don't want it. And I tell you that I can't sell you the car unless you have the 6th tire.

Totally agree with you. Everyone keeps saying that shorter games are better games. I don't equate the two. Hence the reason I will be RENTING BattleField 4 instead of buy it. The campaign is rumored to be only 4-5 hours long. Multiplayer does not interest me in the least. I know that I stopped playing a lot of games

Isn't this the regular sized Xbox? You know...the original?

I love how every time we ask about X1 or PS4 the PC world has to get it's panties in a bunch and start master racing. NOBODY FUCKING ASKED YOU ABOUT THE GODDAMN PC. This isn't your article. When we get to the PS4/X1/PC article go for it. You have no idea how stupid you all look. /rant.

I don't remember that ep, but I'll take your word for it. What I mentioned still holds. there are a lot of episodes where bones has said one thing in the beginning only to be wrong at the end. I always thought that was one of the cool things about the show.

Not so. Bones constantly comes to Angela for help. E.g. her book for one (if I'm not mistaken she even gave her a cut of the proceeds from the book). Also for advice on what she should do in her personal life time and time again. I will agree that at times Bones is often a bit of a bitch when talking to Angela, but

Then there was the AFTERPARTY!!!!

I love how everything this guy does is automatically labeled Auto Tune. I believe it when someone breaks down the video and proves otherwise.

Thank god someone here knows how to use Google.

I'm still waiting on a good Conan movie since Arny stopped.