
The problem is not the normal people playing video games. The problem is the mentally unhinged people playing video games. It instantly becomes what video games was the guy playing instead of what mental issues did he have. The questions we should be asking is, WHY was he left alone? WHY wasn't he on x medication?

I'll follow with

Nah, I don't think it's a dick move. They are telling people flat out. Don't put it on the Internet. If you want to see the end of the game, come buy the game and beat it. Rockstar put a LOT of money into the Game. I can't fault them for wanting to make it back. At least they are letting people make LP video's.

Beat me to it.

Before everyone loses their shit. These are the Skittles he's talking about.....People already starting on the "Trayvon Martin" train.

Now playing

Yeah, she's ok but her pride was the thing most hurt.

An accurate description of how stupid the racist on Twitter are.

Thick ass legs too.

You set up the pins for this...

I don't get it.

You seriously don't get why what you said is bigoted as hell?

I read this, and this sums up my expression.

You deserve this. I've been trying to hammer this into his/her head all day.

This is how I feel about this...

Once again, you see the definition as something that is disrespectful. I don't. We're not going to agree on this so I'm going to stop because I really do have a lot of homework to do and I'm over here F5'n to see how you respond. Ultimately here's how I see things. I don't think it's bad to be what the definition is.

How's that an insult? If your shy, quirky that's who you are. If you have a problem participating in or even following sports that's who you are. If your unattractive that's an aesthetic value that changes depending on who your talking to. Once again, if that is who you are it's who you are. Name one person on the

It's not that saying doesn't work. You choose to look at it that way. I choose to look at it the way I do. We're using two different types of references for the same statement. I took it mean what I said, you took it to mean what you said. It's not science, it's a saying. The same as Live-Laugh-Love. Depending on how

You are really getting touchy about this. I see where your going with this, but the reference I pulled from this was more along the lines of, if everyone says your smart and you call yourself dumb, maybe your not as dumb as you think. If everyone says your handsome/pretty but you keep calling yourself ugly, maybe your

From Wiki.