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Why haven't you guys posted something like this. It's a female view on the same topic and a valid non rant response. Worth a look see.

And this is why I don't play online.

Ok, I know I'm going to get spammed, but here goes. People are complaining about this, but there are a lot of other games that have already done the same thing. For instance. The Yakuza series often left out portions of the game when converted from Japanese to "Western" specs and nobody went sounded the alarm for

The part where he took the drink. The girls face at the table....priceless.

No, the death of Jar Jar would top the list. At least for me. This would take a close second though.

Either way, it's still well done.

Guile theme song goes with EVERYTHING!

I hear you, only problem with this, and you may have had a different experience, I have 4 PS3 controllers since I got my PS3 (when they first came out) and none of them have died. I've gone through 3 rechargeable batteries as well and 1 cable for charging the controller. In fact, one of the batteries I have now only

I don't think game length was the issue. Being able to replay the game and get something out it is the issue. I feel the same way about games though. If you make a game good enough for me to keep, I will. If you don't, after I beat it, I'm going to return it. Lately, more games have been in my return pile then in my

No no, when you brought that up I too was taken back. I had to re watch the video myself. It's all good here.

I was talking about the USB slots. It had 4, not 2. The still picture is not the same PS3 in the actual video. Look at the video again. Also, the "video" PS3 doesn't have that bump either.

I should edit my original post. I was talking about the USB slots. It had 4 when it launched. Then it shrunk to two.

Nah, I was talking more about the extra USB slots. Those were on the original PS3 unless I'm mistaken.

I'll take one jet black with chrome spinners.

"What" - She

Not to be that guy, but that's not a launch PS3.

Really? What games do you play? I can't find anything on Steam I like. I'm looking for an engaging RPG that's not old school or 8 bit. Something like Skyrim but not. I got the Witcher and the Witcher 2. But not really finding anything else.