
On a tangent here. Apple is currently in court because of this.....

Not true. Microsoft has a complete lock on the prices. Check the price of the games they have now and look online (Gears of War Judgement or if you want to go older Wolverine Origins) and you'll notice that Microsoft downloadable games are about 10 dollars more than it's physical retail copy. Why? Because Microsoft

Not so sure of that. Do you know how much Gears of War: Judgement is still going for? Hell, an OLD game. Xmen- wolverine Origins. Check the Amazon prices and the Xbox price. If they pull a Steam, I'm all on board. But it looks like they are price gouging because they have a closed market.

holy shit...... So if you get the ban hammer, it's a wrap. You really do have a 500 dollar brick. *whistles*

If the new Xbox policy is anything like the old. No. When I was in Germany I couldn't register anything that was from America on Xbox unless I had an American IP. So if you get a proxy you SHOULD be able to.

Now playing

Negative. They already said that if you are somewhere that doesn't have internet...keep your Xbox 360

Another issue with this is if you live in a country overseas and you move, will your X1 work in your new country. Americans tend to forget that people switch countries overseas the same way people switch states in America.

eh. it's never been about high end gaming. What ends up happening is they dumb down the graphics. We all know this. Look at Doom on the computer and then compare it to console's. They could do the same. Yes I know it'll look shittier on the PS4/X1 but people who don't own computers would be non the wiser and they

I have. So now you know one.

Ok, gotcha. But I travel a lot and like to take my system w/ me. Can't now because if I go somewhere that has pay to use Wifi I'm hosed (cuz I'm not paying for wifi) . Also, if I'm somewhere that has bad reception so I can't use my phone, I'm hosed. Or better yet, I have a phone but I don't have the ability to tether,

But do you realize how much data you might end up having to transfer in graphic intensive games? If you have a data cap your pretty screwed. .

not to mention that it's not coming out over there until 2014.

That is what we call a combo breaker.

Can't say I agree with this. There are a LOT of games out there that don't have anything to do with death or violence, it's just that you don't hear about them because they are not as popular. Some are, some are not.

Ok, so now your telling me that the internet is this thing that just magically floats out there with no help from electricity at all right? I guess that internet providers didn't have generators running SUPPLYING ELECTRICITY to that tower. You miss the point I made just so you could prove YOU had internet. There were

Evan is a troll. He started a whole mess of shit with his "the chick from remember me is black" and now this. He gives you enough information to get a response and then sits back and laughs at the confusion he has created.

Your argument it moot. You can have power without the internet. You cannot have the internet with no power. Also, there are places in the world still that don't even have a 1 mb connection and no I'm not talking BFE but places like Germany and certain parts of Europe. No really, hell there are places in the United

NP, sorry bout the misinformation about Diablo III tho. That wasn't intentional. Good Hunting.

InFamous second Son, Killzone, Knack, Drive Club, The Whiteness, Diablo III......

I got ya, but let's be real. The servers for multiplayer cost money. It was inevitable that this was going to happen. But think about it like this, even if you have to get PS+ it's still cheaper then getting an Xbox 1.