Right, because the app's that majority of the people purchase cost 60+ dollars.
Right, because the app's that majority of the people purchase cost 60+ dollars.
Where in the hell did you get that? Please give me a reputable link for that.
Allow me to further elaborate. The reason why they did not allow her to join the club was not for any of the things you mentioned. They flat out said it was because she wasn't black even though she was in fact an African America. She was born in Africa and had 1 American parent thus making her by the letter an African…
Gotta co-sign on this. Had a white friend from Africa who tried to join the African American club at my college. She was told no because she wasn't black....true story. They asked me to join and I told them I don't associate with groups that discriminate.
Am I the only one who caught the bad boyz II reference?
It's not that PC fans are angry. I was pointing out that PC was getting more like console in the fact that, they are working on making it so that you can trade games. I did a LOT of digging and found out that in Europe, your allowed to trade ALL things, digital and physical and it is in fact illegal to do what Xbox…
Steam is also currently working on a digital resale/gifting structure. So your point is?