Big Block I-4

They also state it is their ‘first owned building’ in the request, so I assume that means first time homeowner. That is one of the worst times to go get a car loan that you don’t have a rational need for, assuming they didn’t remain really well off with the purchase. The majority of people definitely should spend at

He does because it works for him.  Tesla’s stock price has been propped up by hopes, dreams, and Elon’s big promises for years now.  The market has yet to really punish him for it.

Yeah but you know, sometimes you just want a new car.

Just get a Rav4 Prime, Sportage Plug-in, Niro EV or plug-in and be done with it.

I went Nice Price.

You could very well be right, and frankly if calling 911 is the answer you want instant response not a delay through a 3rd party.

I suspect it’s possible because making the 911 call through the app they can provide real time accurate location data to dispatch. That said there is nothing stopping you from calling from your own phone, but if you are in an unfamiliar area giving an accurate location might be hard.

What if its not at the bottom of the Ocean...

I thought it was for parking outside a  Bass Pro Shop on a Saturday in the Summer and bragging about while wearing cargo shorts.

That can afford to buy new cars.

Was having similar thoughts, especially when the picture backdrop looks like a cemetery:

Maybe traffic makes up the difference

IIRC, the closest ZEV mandate state to Chicago at the time was Pennsylvania, which is why seeing one of the ZEV compliance cars was a surprise to me.

If the 500e is made in decent numbers for a few more years, I could see a used one replacing my 2019 GTI in several years. But then again, the Rivian R3X could be a thing

Here in the DC area $200-300 an hour is becoming more common at specialty shops and some dealers.

Ill throw out another opinion: this car makes sense for a hobbyist who is doing ok financially. Rather than buy a Corvette like everybody else, buy something that stands out and is a conversation starter. It will need parts from time to time, and they will be expensive and hard to find. It might take some creative

Audi went to “even numbers EV, odd numbers ICE”. Q4 and Q6 are electric, Q5 and Q7 are gas. Same with A5/A7 and new A6. I guess they’ll have to change the Q8 eventually...

Some dumb RV dealer are more than that, the hourly rates are a joke.

Really looking forward to when I have something heavy in my backseat and I cant get my car to shut up.

It’s probably the latter. Sites with four or fewer chargers seems to be the norm for now.

I turned it over” might not be the best phrase to use with the Samurai